National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 3 of 3 records found
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Pair of Houses

49-51 Macarthur Place,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No B0750

The Macarthur and Murchison Squares are of State historical and architectural importance as the two most intact squares from an important phase of urban improvement initiated by the Surveyor General, Andrew Clarke, containing a great variety of buildings and including a number which pre-date the application of the Melbourne Building Act. Classified: 06/05/1996 See also B6737 & B4015



Pair of Houses

34-36 Nicholson Street,, FITZROY VIC 3065 - Property No B6033

This pair of two-storey houses, the stone portion of which was built byJames Lawrence in 1853-54, is amongst the earliest examples of this type of construction in Fitzroy. The buildings illustrate the combination of an early use of stone with an important early builder in that material. The buildings were refacedand rear extensions added in the 1890s when they were owned by Edwin Oldfield, a well-known Canadian dentist who was the founder in 1895 ofthe Dental College of ... more



Pair of Houses

31-33 Bull Street,, CASTLEMAINE VIC 3450 - Property No B5395

These two 1860's cottages have an historical association with early Castlemaine,though no significant association. While they have certain visual qualities, (they have a certain symmetrical appearance created through the use of projecting gabled porches) much of their architectural merit has been lost through extensive exterior alterations (e.g. the painting of the brickwork of one cottage, replacement of verandah posts etc.) Classified: 17/11/1983

